About Us
After years of photographing people, babies, flowers, landscape we discovered street theatre and circus. A dynamic and colorful experience we thought was worthy of recording and archiving for the participants, performers, organiser and the public.
Our images have been used by performers & event organiser all over the world, to promote shows, for funding applications, on their web sites, in programs and on poster. We use Canon 5D Mkiii cameras with EF lenses so the highest quality is always guaranteed.
- Our catalogue of images is available to artists, performers & promoters free of charge, with the inclusion of our copyright details. Members of the public can buy images & prints, drop us a e-mail with your requests.
- If you have any work you would like photographing we offer our services free of charge. We only charge expenses such as travel & accommodation if its not available at your event or performance.
- If you are appearing at any of the Events we visit every year and would like some specific images producing drop us an e-mail.
- Images can be processed for web/screen or for print to DVD/cd, uploaded to Dropbox or supplied in gallery format for direct use on your web application.
- Prints are made in-house from our 10 colour Epson 4900 Printer on any paper type in sizes up to A2.
- For books and other publications we use the services of Blurb who provide good colour consistency and high quality production.